Lower Molonglo Blower Install

The Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre has become a familiar home for CE Group’s ACT Operations team in recent years, and it’s strong relationship with Downer Utilities continues with the successful award of the Electrical Works contract for the LMWQCC Furnace and Exhaust Upgrade Project.

The project involves the upgrade of the Centre’s furnace and exhaust systems to ensure the facility meets regulatory submission requirements and minimises any impact on the surrounding environments. CE Group has been tasked with the supply and installation of VSDs and IO controllers, Instrumentation and all cabling and associated support systems.

Lower Molonglo Furnace Upgrade

The three existing Aeration Blowers in the Secondary Treatment Facility at Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre in Canberra, ACT had exceeded their economic life. The Project consisted of replacing each Blower and associated equipment.

Over four construction stages, the new Blowers were brought into commission, all while maintaining redundancy and the critical, continuous aeration to the treatment plant. Many challenging system cutovers were faced, including a new Fibre Optic Termination Cubicle, all having the added pressure of a 45 minute maximum shutdown time on the Blower System.

EIMC Upgrade, Canberra

As an experienced electrical water infrastructure contractor, CE Group is proud to continue supporting this critical project. The goal is to enhance the safety and reliability of electrical and control installations across 93 reservoirs, valve farms, and pump stations throughout the ACT.

LMWQCC Secondary Clarifiers

CE Group is proud to be a part of the further works at Icon Water’s Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre. Demonstrating a strong history of works on the Lower Molonglo Site, CE Group were engaged to carry out the electrical works associated with Icon Water’s Secondary Clarifiers, for its client Downer.

CE Group’s scope included provision of switchboards, civil works including large pulling pits and switchboard platforms and culverts, installation of cable support and cabling, instrumentation and commissioning.

This project also included automating flow control into each clarifier and installation of turbidity monitoring of each clarifier’s effluent.